
Lspcad 6 professional
Lspcad 6 professional

lspcad 6 professional lspcad 6 professional

Microphone power supply – preamplifier: 2 X Power Module Type 12AR / G.R.A.S.

lspcad 6 professional

8 X Condenser Microphones ECM8000 Behringer.Screen resolution 1024x768 or better is recommended. PC requirements (recommendations): Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8. 10mV/Pa ICP preamplifier integrated, Array Microphone Type 40PL / G.R.A.S. LspCAD comes with a USB copy protection dongle. 4 X Condenser Microphone Pressure, electret. that most DIY speaker designers do not have access to professional measuring.Free-field Standard Microphone Set, Wide Frequency, 12.5 mV/Pa 46AC 1/2'' (40AC free-field mic + 26KT preamp) / G.R.A.S.CCP preamplifier for 1/2" Condenser Microphone Electret R-NJ22-1/2" IEPE.CCP Free-field Microphone 1/2" Condenser Electret.Head and Torso Simulator (mouth + right ear +left ear): HMS II.3-33 (Code 1230.1) / Head Acoustics.Double impedance tube: SCS-MT-PRO-KIT Kundt tube, Acoustic Absorption and Transmission Loss / Vibro-Acoustics S.R.L.This has got to be one of the most advanced places on the net to talk speaker building, period. Who are we kidding They are pros, they just dont do it for a living. Jon and Thomas have probably designed and built as many speakers as any non-professionals. SCS-LEA psychoacoustic-sound quality analysis SW / Genesis - Vibro-Acoustics S.R.L. DIY (Do it yourself): Cabinetry, speakers, subwoofers, crossovers, measurements.Real-time sound analyzer: SC-DT4 data acquisition and analysis, SC-DT4-SW SW for RTA / Vibro-Acoustics S.R.L. The LspCAD 6 demos contains all the functionality of the unlimited version with a few exceptions.It is not possible to save projectsIt is not possible export.Acoustic emissions (AE) nondestructive testing (NDT) system: Micro-II PCI-2-8, AEwin PCI-2-8(AC)/3D-LOC, Noesis 5.8 Prof., 6 X WD sensors, 6 X 20-40-60dB preamps / Mistras Group.

Lspcad 6 professional